Since we know that a stroke attacks the brain our goal is to keep our brain healthy Poor brain health is more serious than you think.Failing brain health is a public health epidemic. The brain begins showing signs of cognitive decline as a person enter their 20s. 3out of 5 American s will develop a…
Category: Blog
Stroke Risk Factors that are NOT within your control
AGE the likelihood of having a stroke increases with age for both men and women. Family History if you parent, grand parent, sister, brother has had a stroke especially before 65 you may be at a higher risk. RACE African Americans have a higher risk of stroke than whites because they have higher risk of…
Risks Factors for Stroke ones you can control,treat and improve
Since 80% of stokes are preventable we want to know what we can do. High blood pressure or hypertension is the leading cause of stroke and the most important one to control. so we must know our numbers and keep them low.120/80 is normal. Diabetes control your blood sugar Eating better Being active Losing…
starting today I will share information regarding stroke warning signs, risk factors, prevention and more
It is a new month and it is Stroke awareness month . A stroke can happen to to anyone. Adults, teenagers, children and even infants. The more information we have the better equipped we will be to help ourselves and others. F.A.S.T. F dropping face A arm weakness S speech difficulty T call 911 there…
It has been a couple of Challenging Months
In M arch my boy friend Michael Phelps the artist became ill and has been in and out of the hospital. He is home now thank God.My best friend Keeley Garth who I wrote about in my book passed away and I would not find out until her mother who lives in Oklahoma sent the…
Did you know this about Stroke
May is National Stroke awareness month. The American stroke Association is focusing on Stroke risk factors awareness. did you know that there are stroke symptoms that are unique to women. Sudden shortness of breath, sudden hiccups, sudden chest pain, sudden nausea and sudden face and limb pain. Did you know that 425,000 women suffer a…
This is Who I am Now
I am a Author, a Stroke Survivor and I share information regarding stroke , stroke recovery and how to regain independence. The did you know facts come from the American Stroke Association and I will continue to add more facts under that heading. I mentioned that we can learn from each other.I would like to…
It is a new year and my prayer is that it be a year filled with God’s blesssings for us all
My plan is to blog monthly. I hope that you will follow me on this journey of discovery on the assignment that I was given by God the topic of stroke.After my stroke I had a seizure on October 8th 2009 and it would take 2 years to get my life back.At the end of…
A Brief introduction of Myself
I am from Sharon Hill Pennsylvania. I am one of 4 children. We are a very close family. I reside in San Fernando, California. I thank my parents for giving me a firm spiritual foundation, my grand parents for my entrepreneurial spirit and my desire to help others.Finally, Nelson Blackwell who inspired my love for…
Welcome to my Blog
Welcome. My name is Ms. Kim Blackwell, author of From Stroke To Recovery My Walk With God. I’m so happy to have you as a visitor to my blog about my book. This project is very special to me, and I hope to share some of that excitement with you here. I’ll be using this blog…